Rotation and Tilt Stages

Manual Rotation Stages


UTR Series steel rotation stages provide the optimal combination of precise movement and robust design to provide 360° course and 4° fine travel. With up to 180 lbs load capacity, these stages are ideal for systems needing high precision travel of a wide range of components.

  •  - Steel construction with high load capacity
  •  - Clutch knob permits continuous free rotation
  •  - Included adjustment screw for ±2° fine-tuning
  •  - 23 mm height low-profile versions

Motorized Rotation Stages

The RV family of robust rotation stages combines high precision positioning and extremely high load capacities to operate in a large variety of conditions including industrial applications. For applications with space constraints a folded version is available (-F).
 - Ideal for high load applications with up to 6500 N load and torque capacity of 80 Nm
 - All steel construction offers high stiffness and thermal stability
 - Over 50 different versions with varying performance characteristics, diameters, and vacuum compatibility
 - Double row ball bearings
 - Ground worm gear with self compensating preload
 - Largest aperture ranging from 78 to 280 mm

Tilt Stages

For tip and tilt applications, the BG series of goniometers allows open access to the load. When two BG stage are stacked together, the sample rotates about a common pivot point.
 - ±45° transverse axis rotation with maximum free access to the rotating platform
 - Stacked cradles provide orthogonal rotation about the same pivot point
 - Precision machined ball bearing races assure smooth motion and high stability
 - Precision ground worm gear provides 0.002° MIM
 - Vacuum compatible versions up to 10-6 hPa

‌C O N T A C T

Address. 대전광역시 유성구 문지로299번길 66 오엠에이
  • TEL. 042)822-9501~3      FAX. 042)822-9504