Laser Beam Profilers


LBP2 series laser beam profilers make spatial beam profile measurements quickly with intuitive yet powerful application software.
 - Windows 10 and USB 3.0 compatible cameras
 - Extensive set of ISO 11145, 11146-1/-3, and 13694 measurements
 - Patented Ultracal™ algorithm for highest accuracy measurements
 - Pass/fail testing available on most measured parameters
 - Statistical Analysis of all measured parameters
 - Industry standard data file formats, HDF5 and CSV

Beam Position Detectors

The CONEX-PSD position sensing detectors provides accurate XY position information of laser beams and are ideally suited for laser beam stabilization, laser tracking and general beam diagnostics. Unlike quadrant detectors, the improved tetra-lateral effect diode of the CONEX-PSD’s is highly linear over the full sensor size, and delivers a third signal that is proportional to the beam power.
 - Measures laser beam position and power with integrated CONEX controller
 - 320–1100 nm or 800-1700 nm range
 - 9 x 9 mm or 10 x 10 mm sensor size
 - Analog and adjustable digital filters to reduce noise
 - Compatible with pulsed laser sources
 - 2.5 µm minimum detectable position change


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